The word ‘cancer‘ might be new sector of Ayurveda, but ancient Ayurvedic
classics do mention the clinical features resembling cancer with the titles of
Apachi, Gulma, Granthi, and Arbuda. The disease was prevalent even during the
Vedic period. The story of Acceptance of Matsyagandha – reveals that the King
Shantanu was afflicted with a kind of cancer (Pundrika Arbuda). Arbuda is a
vedic numerical term meaning innumerable numbers. This has been true when one
notices development also as destruction of innumerable cells in Arbuda (cancer)
Ayurvedic Treatment for Cancer and Immunity
includes chemotherapy, radiation, surgery , etc., depending upon the condition.
These treatments exhibit good efficacy in some cases, even though they're
causing tissue depletion elsewhere, results in general weakening of the body.
Ayurveda as a Treatment for Cancer
Ayurveda, the science of life, is useful within the
prevention, also as treatment, of the many diseases, including cancer. Ayurveda
understands every disease primarily in terms of doshas (fundamental
constituents of the body made from the five great element, dhatus (bodily
tissues), and mala (bodily wastes).
While diagnosing a disease within the Ayurvedic Medicine for Cancer in
Mumbai, the causative factors, alongside other details of the disease,
are studied and treatment is planned accordingly. The causative factors might
be certain dietary or behavioural habits and, in some cases, previous illnesses
also. These causative factors have the potential to influence the homeostasis
of the body in either way. Certain unhealthy causative factors can disturb the
equilibrium of doshas, dhatus, and mala, resulting in various sub-clinical
conditions. Such sub-clinical conditions are conditions that don't produce any
significant symptoms and thus are easily ignored from the radar of recent
medical investigations.
Treating Sub-clinical Conditions is Extremely Crucial
Cancer is one among the various diseases that emerges out of
an environment within the body that creates it vulnerable to various sorts of
disease. When the cancer manifests, the entire focus of Ayurvedic Doctor for Cancer in Mumbai
is usually on the malignant tissue – the sub-clinical conditions usually remain
untreated, thanks to lack of awareness.
In other words, consistently unhealthy physiology can cause
certain tissues to behave abnormally, which can lay the inspiration surely
diseases, including cancer.
Understanding the sub-clinical conditions and getting to the
basic cause helps prevent and treat such conditions. Our habits have such an
influence on us that they will either make us healthy or create disease. If you
have unhealthy habits of diet and lifestyle, your body starts to accumulate
doshas, causing hindrance to normal body physiology. Such status of the body
can cause various defects within the tissues, making them vulnerable. This
vulnerability, or impaired immunity, in tissues results in diseases. Hence,
treating such sub-clinical status is extremely crucial in terms of preventing
many disorders and maintaining a healthy status of body and mind.
Ayurvedic Herbs Improve the Inner Environment and Recuperate the Tissues
In cancer specifically, it becomes necessary to seek out why
abnormal growth in tissues went on and which doshas are liable for that.
Doshas, alongside weakened dhatus, manifest such pathology. This accumulation
of doshas must be reduced, alongside strengthening the tissues. This will be
supported with Ayurvedic herbs which will specifically improve the inner
environment and recuperate the tissues. For this purpose, alongside the herbs,
a correct change in lifestyle and eating patterns becomes an important link.
Recurring ailments affecting an equivalent organ or tissues
of the body make that organ vulnerable, causing a couple of abnormalities
there. Liver disorder may be a common example. Liver is that the organ that's
strongly liable for the varied primary functions of the body. With excessive
alcohol and excessively hot and pungent foods, the liver organ loses its
immunity, making it vulnerable to many disorders. Similarly, a health status of
a private that exhibits recurrent episodes of hepatitis is often weakened from
chronic alcoholism and therefore the accompanying liver disease it causes.
Ayurveda Herbs Helps in Regaining the Strength of the Organs
If you overlook such conditions and continue an unhealthy
lifestyle. It keeps worsening the health of the liver. Following proper daily
regimen (Dinacharya) and seasonal regimen (Ritucharya), alongside a couple of
Ayurvedic herbs as used in Ayurvedic Treatment for Cancer in Mumbai,
helps to stay doshas in check. It also helps in regaining the strength of the
organs and develops their resistance capacity for disease.
In general, in any cancer situation, alongside surgery
and/or chemotherapy and radiation, starting an Ayurveda treatment becomes
helpful to enhance the immunity of the the cancerous organ(s) and to clear the
buildup of doshas. This helps strengthen the afflicted organs, and thus, the
probabilities of recurrence are minimized.
If you are looking for ayurvedic medicines for cancer or for
body revival, you can visit Munir
Khan ‘s Health Reactive
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